Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Good Bye

I have gotten into a mood. I am not sure why, but I have.

With 3 children, a full time job and 99% of the responsibility to make enough money to pay bills, along with all of the household chores to do with only the help of my children, blogging is just something that I cannot justify the time for.

To the very, very few of you who actually read what I write, I am sorry. I can't imagine that what is written here is terribly interesting, anyway.

I may, in the future, find the time to re-visit this place, but for now it is good-bye.

I would welcome any e-mails and do actually write letters with pen and ink to those who care to receive them.

I wish you a very happy spring. I know that I am certainly looking forward to some warmth and sunshine.

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