Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Settling in...

We are getting settled in, our house is looking more like a home every day. We really like it here.

In addition to where we live, we are making Oregon more officially our home. We have completed all of our "change of address" notifications (I think), I have ordered the Oregon Drivers' License Manual for Darren and myself to get our Oregon licenses, and we are getting Oregon phone numbers. We finally got our land line in today - we can use it as soon as the cordless phones are charged :)

If anyone would like our new information, just let me know and I will send it to you in a personal e-mail. We will also be including the new information in Christmas cards - so if we have your mailing address, you'll be receiving it in the mail :) If we don't have your mailing address, well..... I guess we'll have to figure out a solution to that one :~ }

The next few months will be busy for everyone, I am sure! Lots of festivities and spending time with loved ones. I get to enjoy additional celebrations, as well. Besides the obvious, Patrick's birthday is less than 2 weeks away and Aaron's birthday is in January. My family also has a tradition of celebrating the new year with a feast shared with our loved ones. Traditionally we celebrate on New Years' day - this year, since the children will be in Idaho, we plan to do it as soon as they return. It won't be quite the same, but - as my mom always said - "You do the best you can with what you have to work with"

I hope you all enjoy the beginning of this season of celebrations and that you keep close to your hearts the true meaning of it all .... God Bless you and yours.

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