Friday, September 4, 2009

Feeling Sentimental

Mama, Daddy, Denise (my sister), me, Kevin (my younger brother), my nephew Johnny (in front of my dad), my nephew Michael ( in front of me)

I've been really missing my mom lately. She was such a huge part of my life. She was more than just my mom. We really did almost everything together. From paying bills, to grocery shopping, to yard work, house work, painting, wall papering, road trips, just about everything. When the fair came to town we'd go every single day!

I don't have many pictures of her with me, here in Oregon. Most of them are still in storage. But here are a few...

This is, of course, my parents and me - February 1998

My mom - she and I had gone to Jackson for a weekend - just the 2 of us. I'm thinking it was taken around 2000. I'm in the picture, too - but... well, let's just say it isn't too flattering :o)

This picture was taken just a couple of months before she died...
I really wanted a "Generation" picture. I am so happy she agreed. She was in a terrible amount of pain but took the time to do this for me. As usual, she put the desires of her children ahead of herself. She was an amazing woman. If I am able to become even half of what she was I will have accomplished a lot.

I miss her so much...

1 comment:

Xoxo Grandma said...

Loved the pictures! It's hard not having a mom around. My mom has been gone for almost 20 years & there are days I still wish I could call her & talk. Girls really need their moms.

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