Monday, September 8, 2008

Building Paradise

Well, we have finally begun getting things in the house and unpacked. I am SO happy and SO exhausted!! I feel like I have done nothing but pack and move boxes for the past 2 1/2 months. I cannot wait to be done!

I did treat myself to a LONG bath last night. I even stayed in the water until it was so cold I began to shiver... candles and a book - it was WONDERFUL! I think I am ready to tackle the big job again after work. It's coming together, slowly but surely. Hopefully we'll be completely done by the weekend. As soon as we have it all together I'll post some pictures. I have to wait, you see, to get my computer all set up and some internet service :~) {I'm currently using the one at work}

I have to tell you -- I have the greatest kids EVER!! They helped pack stuff, load it into the car, unload it into the storage unit, unload it from the storage unit and into the moving van, unload it from the moving van into the shop and then, this weekend, unload the shop into the house. They have done a great job in unpacking their own things in their rooms and taking boxes and trash out as I unpack things. They have worked SO hard -- even Aaron!! Patrick is building some muscles - he has been my "right hand" helping me carry in book-shelves and other pieces of furniture. Emi & Aaron have been carrying a lot of heavy stuff, too. When we are done I plan to give them a HUGE reward -- not sure what it will be, yet -- but it is going to have to be something good for all the work they've been doing!

Once we get settled in I've told the kids we can paint their rooms how they'd like them and they can decorate to fit their own personalities. They are REALLY excited for that! The boys have to share a room, but I've arranged the furniture so they each have their own space -- and they seem to like it. Aaron, of course, would like more room to play with all of his Hot Wheels, but I've promised him some space in the garage for all his cars - after all, isn't a garage where cars are supposed to be? ;~)

I am looking forward to having a home where our family can come and visit. Once I get everything unpacked and put away, I plan to have those who helped us and the family that lives nearby over for a nice dinner. I appreciate the help we received SO much!! And the family that lives nearby -- well -- the kids really enjoy playing together - so it would be a treat for everyone! I really miss having big family dinners - up until the past few years - we would have the whole family together nearly every weekend at one of our homes or another, helping with yard work, spring cleaning, holiday decorating and such -- we'd all pitch in and help at each others' house, making small work of big jobs then share a family dinner. When there wasn't a job that needed doing, we'd just visit and play Monopoly, Pictionary, Oklahoma Rummy or some other game. I miss those times.

I am so blessed, now, to have a great husband and spectacular children to build new traditions and have happy times and memories with. My only sadness is that my mother and sister are gone and my dad and niece are over 700 miles away...and my brothers, well.....

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