Thursday, August 14, 2008

This will be "short and sweet". We don't have our own internet access yet and I am borrowing a computer. Thought I'd give a brief update....

First our living situation -- I was told it was my fault that a trip to Oregon was cancelled - because I had mentioned that my husband and I were staying in Portland...Well, we are no longer living in Portland - we have a nice place to Salem. There is lots of room for the kids to play, it is close to my job and it is easy access to the freeway for Darren to get to work without having to fight driving through town :^)

We are leaving this weekend to pick up the kids and our stuff from Pocatello. We'll be there for about a week, getting my dad all set up for winter and taking care of some last minute details. Then I'll come back to Salem while Darren and Patrick stop off in - gosh I don't know where - to hunt with Darren's dad and brothers for a week. Patrick is terribly excited about it! He hasn't talked about much else for months!

Next, employment -- I got a job right away, here in Salem -- guess it was "meant to be" - as I'd been looking for work for over a month in Portland and hadn't really found much of anything. Guess God knew the way things would turn out there.

There really isn't a lot else to talk about. We have all the things we need; food, shelter, clothing, jobs....and of course, eachother. God has blessed us with that.

Well, like I said, I'm borrowing a computer so I'd best end here. I doubt I'll be updating anything here from now on. If anyone would like my other contact info, just post a note here and I'll check back every once in a while and get that to you.

Happy end of summer :)

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