Thursday, April 16, 2009

Journal for me - looonnngg blog for you :)


We left Oregon on Friday afternoon. One of many blessings working for a Christian school is that you get religious holidays off. We did have school for the first half of Good Friday so that all of the students could attend Good Friday services together. We also got Easter Monday off. That is what gave me the time to head north.

We didn’t get as early of a start as I had hoped, as usual. We got into Liberty Lake, which is just east of Spokane, at around 10pm. (We stayed with Karen, one of my best girlfriends from junior high.) The drive was good, no troubles. We stopped along the way for snacks and potty breaks. The kids had brought books and dvd’s for the portable dvd player (my dad bought it for them a couple of years ago when we took a trip to Montana to meet my sister) which kept them entertained when they got tired of talking or singing with the radio.

We got in, had some pizza and then off to bed. Karen and I stayed awake talking until after 3am. Of course, the kids were up bright and early to wake me up at about 7. We got dressed - it was raining pretty hard. Of course, Patrick had to rub it in that I told him he didn’t need to bring his umbrella! Anyway, we went to an Easter egg hunt put on by Karen’s church. It was over nearly before it started. During the drive Patrick had overheard me on the phone talking to my dad and then one of my cousins who lives in Spokane. He got all excited thinking Grampa was going to meet us there. I told him “no”, that if Grampa could afford to go to Aunt Louise’s house (the purpose of the trip) that he could have come to Oregon and we’d have spent Easter at home. So, anyway, after the Easter egg hunt, we headed up to my aunt’s house in Rathdrum, Idaho. As we pulled into her yard, Patrick noticed a white car with Idaho plates – no surprise, we were in Idaho, after-all. Then he looked again and shouted “GRAMPA! Grampa IS here!”. I started laughing and said, yes, he is here. The kids all began climbing over each other trying to be the first out of the car. They were SO excited!

After a few hours visiting there, we all went into Spokane to visit my cousin, Darcy. We had a nice visit with her and her daughter Christine. It was bitter-sweet. It was our first visit since my aunt Nancy (Darcy’s mom) passed away. The mood was melancholy, but we enjoyed our visit and we were all happy to see each other. After spending most of the afternoon there, it was late and the kids (and I) were getting pretty sleepy. We said our good-byes and headed back to Louise’s, where my dad was staying.

Easter we spent up at Louise’s, as well. Much of the family came. We had a wonderful meal with ham, turkey, baked beans and all kinds of salads and desserts. It was a special time with family. It was nice to see everyone. Most I hadn’t seen since my mom passed away 5 years ago (just yesterday, it seems).

Monday we headed back home. (of course, without taking any pictures :( I am such a slacker!) We stopped at a road-side fresh fruit & veggie market along the way. We got some fresh apples, home-made ice cream and fresh cut asparagus - YUMMY! We arrived home around 6pm. Darren had cleaned the kitchen for me - a BIG thank you to him! I certainly didn’t expect that.

Overall we had a very nice trip. The kids got to spend time with cousins and play in the woods and see family they hadn’t seen in “forever”, as did I. We were able to see my dad. The family was together, almost like “old times”. Bitter-sweet. Good to be together, missing those who have passed on. Family is precious. I am so very thankful for the caring, loving, accepting family that I have been blessed with.

I am happy for the time I was able to spend with my family, so dear. I am happy to be home with my husband and to sleep in my own bed. If only we could combine the two worlds...

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